
r2llokyukyu5 avatar image
r2llokyukyu5 asked Jeanette F commented

Topic regarding warehouse inventory management methods

Hello everyone,

I would like to ask you about warehouse inventory management methods, because I am writing my master's thesis on inventory management methods in the FlexSim modeling environment and I came up with the idea to design a warehouse with shelves and various assortments, but using methods other than traditional ones (such as ABC, XYZ). ) using analytical and modeling tools in the program - is it possible to design a universal inventory management method using only FlexSim tools? Thank you in advance for all your tips, advice and feedback.

Best regards

FlexSim 23.2.1
inventory managementwarehouse modeling
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

Yes, it is. Traditionally the lowest level of direct support are slotItems. If you insists to manage a structure lower then a slotItem, like pallet with packed totes and boxes in totes you have to reference this structure on your pallet in partitioned list or tables in slotItem label nodes. A good practice would be to label your pallet by accumulated product types on it. Then you can query your warehouse by those labels on slotItems to get a temporary table which you can join with tables of pallet inventory. This new table can you query again.
If you want to test structures created of universal attributes, then you are able to enhance a warehouse slot by slot labels. You can query your warehouse by those labels additionally to standard attributes of zone, aisle, rack, bay, level, slot.

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