
johanbrasch avatar image
johanbrasch asked Jeanette F commented

Sum unique value that is not token

I want to summarize the number content number of a specific type in a list. But the token containing the value is seen as the unique value and the summarization does not work. Is there a solution to this? See picture. I want to summarize the far right column based in the middle column ("Types").capture.png

FlexSim 23.1.0
listpush to listunique row values
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You can summarize values by type in a single partition.

If you have a global list you can get access to all partitions of a list in the model tree. But you must aggregate list values and fields from the tree structure yourself. Then you can query this data and get the sum of a field.

maybe you can push your values to a different list, which builds sum values directly.

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