
Mumo avatar image
Mumo asked Mumo commented

How to create a custom object with BasicFR


I am trying to create a custom 3D object but i can't find any resource besides on the flexsim website.

Does anyone have an example with I could use to understand on how to create a custom 3D object (with 3d model and animation and behavior) ?

Thank you in advance.

FlexSim 21.2.4
custom object
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@Mumo, please think about this request a bit longer. Perhaps you must only change some features of an existing library object to achieve what you want. You need a really good understanding of FlexSims procedures of interactions of events, if you try to build a new library object from a basic object class. A basic object has some more events than a standard object. And you will be responsible for example to initiate an item entering method.
As an example a flying drone can you build from a crane object. Any time consuming machine is in a basic view still a processor. Perhaps you can build your object by a sub model on a plane.

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Guldberg avatar image
Guldberg answered Mumo commented

Here is an example of a pallet streach hood wrapper that combines both animation and process flow kinematics. This is one way to do it, but as Joerg points out it might not be the right place for you to begin.

streach hood wrapper.fsm

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Mumo avatar image Mumo commented ·

Wonderful ! Thank you very much !

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Guldberg avatar image
Guldberg answered Mumo commented

Behaviors are easiest added by attaching a process flow to the object that handles all the logic. You can add animation to any object - see

If your animation is just moving a flow item in and out you maybe have better control by using process flow kinematics to move the object around.

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