
Yudha A. avatar image
Yudha A. asked Yudha A. commented

Preserve or Rotate Item orientation between separate conveyor


I would like to know if there is a way to preserve item orientation between 2 separate conveyors.

As you can see in the picture the orientation of the pallet changed after being placed by the crane on the second conveyor.

Thanks In Advanced

Item Rotation Conveyor Problem.fsm


FlexSim 24.1.0
conveyorscranetaskexecutorsitem rotation
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1 Answer

Dhakshna avatar image
Dhakshna answered Yudha A. commented

Hi @Yudha, as you can see in the image width of the conveyors are not same. Item Orientation is not changed, it is a width issue. You can always use DecisionPoint to change the orientation.


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