
Murphy avatar image
Murphy asked Murphy commented

according different level or bay to choose AGV


How I can according different level or bay to choose AGV?

eg: if I want level 1-2 use AGV1, level 3-4use AGV2. how to finish that, thanks!


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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Murphy commented

If you didn't change the default settings, the rack will assign a slot to an item when pulling it. You can access this slot with "Storage.Item(item).as(Storage.Item).assignedSlot" where 'item' is a reference to the item.

Once you have a reference to the you can read properties of the slot such as the bayID or levelID.

Use this in the dispatcher's "Pass To" code to return the connection rank of the AGV you want to send the task sequence to.

For example:

Object item = taskSequence.tasks[2].involved1;
Storage.Slot slot = Storage.Item(item).as(Storage.Item).assignedSlot; if(slot.levelID < 3) {     return 1; } else {     return 2; }
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Murphy avatar image Murphy commented ·
it's worked, thanks!
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