
Leandro Meirelles avatar image
Leandro Meirelles asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Best way to analyze AMR statistics


I have an AMR transport model that I need to analyze some metrics like: number of transport cycles, how long did each cycle last, where did the AMR collected for each cycle, if that cycle happened a block or fail event, the total distanced travel per cycle.

So, my first thought is to add 2 "push to list" blocks on my process flow, 1 in the moment I acquire the AMR and 1 at the release, and for each block I'll write some of the token and AMR label values on a global table.

But I am struggling to do it, I tried all type of lists and push to list blocks but its not working.

Am I in the right path? if so, could someone please just make this basic part of write the time a cycle last and the token label "Line" into a list?

AMR table.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
global tableamr
amr-table.fsm (22.2 MiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Collecting statistics is what the "Statistics Collector" is for. ;-) (though yes, there might be instances where other tools are better suited).

If you haven't worked with them before, I would suggest you check out the documentation to get an overview of how they work.

If added an example collector to your model that notes the "Line" label and measures the duration and travel distance inbetween a token acquiring and releasing the AMR.


amr-table-fm.fsm (15.9 MiB)
5 |100000

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