
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
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Patrick Zweekhorst asked Jeanette F answered

Exception in pull from list with partition


We have seen this problem in multiple models the last few weeks, but we were now able to reproduce it in a small example model. Things are pushed on a partitioned list (no tokens). Somewhere else in the flow tokens are pulling from this list. When a pull is successful it all looks to be working in the ProcessFlow, but we do get an exception:

  1. time: 42.100956 exception: Exception caught in evaluation of /Tools/ProcessFlow/ProcessFlow/List>stats/instances/ProcessFlow/list/1/onPull

This is the simple flow that returns the exception:


If we don't reuse the token pushing to the list, by making an extra token each time we want to push something to the list it all works without any exceptions. No exception:

Could this bug be fixed?

Creating the extra token is a good work around for now.




FlexSim 24.0.3
listexceptionlist pull
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Patrick Zweekhorst,

This has been submitted to the developers for further investigation.

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