
Ben Wychocki avatar image
Ben Wychocki asked Ben Wychocki commented

"Invalid list reference" when trying to refer to lists based on label

I am trying to have task executors push to different lists depending on a label set on the TE. However, no matter what I do, I get the message "Error: Invalid list reference at push to list activity" no matter how I try to set it up.

I've tried:

Referencing from a table with a pointer to the list

Referencing a pointer label to the list on the TE

Using list by case, where the case is a number label on the TE

Using list named, although I'm not sure I'm setting that up properly

How would I be able to have each TE be able to push/pull from different lists in a process flow?

list problems.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
process flowlistsinvalid list reference
list-problems.fsm (2.2 MiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
@Ben Wychocki, may I suggest to push or pull to the same list reference, but a different partition on it.
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Ben Wychocki commented

The Pull from List/Push to List activity must refer to a "List" Process Flow activity, so you'd need a list activity for each of your global lists.

As Jörg suggested, using a single list with partitions would be better for scalability of the logic.

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Ben Wychocki avatar image Ben Wychocki commented ·
I did try putting in a list activity for each list (currently only 2) but that didn't seem to work.

Whatever the case, using partitions does sound like it'll work fine for my application.

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