
HK avatar image
HK asked HK commented

HC: Time Tables - offshift options


In my model, patients are seen by the same HC resources (e.g., nurses, docs) they encountered first. When the resources become off-shift I'd like to have two options: 1. complete patient care until the patient leaves the system. 2. replace with another available resource. Could you give instructions for these two options?

Also, in the time table, when I choose custom from the down behavior field, I can choose HC States from State Profile field, there is an option for HC. Interesting thing is available options from Down State varies every time I add time tables (e.g., <1. occupied, 2. Offschedule>, or <1. In- Transit 2. Offschedule>, or <1. in-transit, 2. providing care, 3. Offschedule>. Could you explain what this option does? I assumed I could choose HC states and Providing care to model the first option I mention above (1. complete patient care until a patient leaves the system) but "providing care" is not always available.

Thank you.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered HK commented

Which states are available in the dropdown menu will depend on which states are currently present in the HC state profile of the objects assigned to the time table.

The easiest option you have is to define down behaviours with different priorities. A HC resource has a priority value assigned to it. This will be the priority with which a member of the resource will be acquired by token.


Each down behaviour also has a priority value. This should generally be higher than the resource's priority or the staff member would prioritize working on additional tasks before starting the break.

If the break priority is in the same or lower tier the staff member will finish its current task then start the break (if the breaks priority is higher or there are no other tasks). If the break's tier is higher, the staff member will be preempted away from the current task.

The "Process" task is by default set up so that the token will try to acquire a new staff resource when this happens.


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HK avatar image HK commented ·

Thank you so much for your answer. I have follow up questions.

1. re: states in the dropdown menu: I'm not sure if I understood. For the same model, why the options vary for different resources?

2. I don't see where a priority value can be added in the time table. Also, should I use availability or HC States to do this or both of them are not needed? Is there a documentation for these options?



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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann HK commented ·

1. When you add, for example, a new staff to the object, it's HC state profile will only contain the "Idle" state. Other states will get added when needed. So depending on what functions the staff/location/equipment fulfill in your model, they might have different states added to their profile and only those will appear in the dropdown menu.

2. You define the priority in a down behaviour (in the toolbox) and then choose that behaviour for the break in the time table. This will grey out the State Profile and Down State options, since the down behaviour controls the state as well.



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HK avatar image HK Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Now I see how down behaviors in time tables are determined. I wasn't aware ofdown behaviors in the toolbox. This helps a lot. Thank you!

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