
TiredStudent avatar image
TiredStudent asked Logan Gold commented

Unable to do bottleneck testing simultaneously as FlexSim will hang

I am trying to do a simultaneous conveyor bottleneck testing experiment, however, whenever I managed to get the carton box to move, it hangs, another issue is that Test B ,Test C, Test G and Test H do not follow multiple transport (robot) instructions and insist that the label is nonexistent.

I have tried process flow and global list but to no avail, may I please seek some guidance on the direction I can take to make this experiment a reality and allow all the experiment test to flow seamlessly without crashing? BottleneckTestV6.fsm


FlexSim 24.2.0
processflowglobal listbottleneck
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bottlenecktestv6.fsm (176.2 KiB)
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Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @TiredStudent, was Felix Möhlmann's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The model hangs because the source for Test C is creating an unlimited number of items with no pause inbetween. Either do not repeat the schedule or give the last entry in the schedule table a time > 0.

In the attached model most Exit Transfers have the "Use Transport" option deactivated. The only one that prompts an error if activated is Test B, because, as the error message tells you, the "Type" label which is supposed to determine which robot does the transport (Center Port By Case) does not exist on the item.

For items to use other conveyors, you need to send them there. See the tutorial linked below.

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