
Tim avatar image
Tim asked Felix Möhlmann answered

I may have found a BUG about TransferType


I found some strange problems when using the send item function. I copied the whole entity, changing only the direction of the flow of goods, their Distance Along the same, but producing different results.bugV24.1.fsm88.png

FlexSim 24.1.0
decisionpointdistance along
88.png (650.2 KiB)
bugv241.fsm (45.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

When rounded to two decimal places the numbers look the same but are currently actually different.


And even if they were the same, the conveyorPoints nodes still have a set order in the tree that determines if an item can flow from one to the other (only from lower to higher rank - top to bottom in the tree).

An intersection structure like this only ever allows items to flow across in one direction.

1723096717445.png (17.4 KiB)
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