
luis-rodrigues avatar image
luis-rodrigues asked Felix Möhlmann answered

AGV Battery Management

Hi. I'm working on a model that I had working with forklifts but now I converted it to work with AGVs.

But right now I'm facing the problem of charging the AGVs. So when it was on forklifts I knew that they spent a percentage of time charging and I've done that, but with AGVs I don't know that, I only know the percentage they waste per hour and the time they take to charge.

I want to know if there is something pre-made in which I can input the %/hour of battery and the time to charge. And If not, I should create a logic with lists or some sort?

Thank you in advance.

V1 mod.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
agvbattery charge
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

If you know how much charge is user per hour then you know how often they need to charge (at least on average). And if you also know how long the charging takes then you should be able to use the previous charging logic, just with different times.

Since you are using A* and not the AGV network, you do not have any built in battery system. You could build one by using kinetic Tracked Variable labels to track the charge state.

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