
Amanda Prado avatar image
Amanda Prado asked Amanda Prado commented

Search the global table for the label value and return the column value

Good afternoon everybody !


Warehouse Payment System, where 50 items types are paid for SPMKT. I'm creating 50 items types through 50 sources. Each source, when creating the item, already configures a label with the item's respective Part Number.

As the number of boxes for each item are different, each item has a different number of boxes that the operator picks up at a time and, for this reason, all the logic is happening in the process flow.

I have a Global Table that contains the Part Numbers and the quantities that need to be paid at a time. The point of my doubt is the following:

I'm using a list in PF to pull items according to my global table:


It turns out that there are 50 Part Numbers and I am imputing the line number for each item. I would like to know if there wouldn't be a way to make Flexsim look for the line in my table, using the label I created in the source, and return the value column, something like this, more or less:

Table("BOM")[item.(labelname)][colum] ????

As well as the load and unload locations, I am configuring them manually, but I would like you to pull, according to the label, the origin and destination location, which is also included in the Global table.

I hope I was able to be clear enough on the issue.

Thank you very much !

Yours sincerely.

FlexSim 24.2.1
global table
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1 Answer

Gustavo Teodoro avatar image
Gustavo Teodoro answered Amanda Prado commented

An alternative approach would be to use the process flow to create the items. This way, it will not be necessary to use the 50 Sources.
In the quantity field, use the command Table("GlobalTable1").numRows, so the number of tokens created will correspond to the number of rows in your Global Table. To assign information to the token, you can reference the table and use the tokenIndex command. This command indicates the order in which the token was created and retrieves the information from each row of the table.


In the attached example, the label information includes quantity, source, and destination.
Afterward, the items are created at the destinations and in the quantities according to the information already stored in the token. These details can also be transferred to the items using the create objects command.


An example is attached.


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Amanda Prado avatar image Amanda Prado commented ·

Hello Gustavo,

Your suggestion was very good. I managed to develop my model according to your idea, but I had two doubts:

1) Creating the objects in the source as you said, I can only create a limited number of items, right? The difference from creating from a 3D source is that the source can create an unlimited number of items (interarrival time 0, for example).

As my simulation is about a Warehouse that pays material to other areas, I am considering that the Warehouse always has material available and if I create a large number of items at once, my simulation crashes.

Can you think one ideia to this ?

2) I need to define the SOURCE and DESTINATION columns as "pointer", right?1732201404724.png

But when I assign it as a pointer, I lost all the data in my table and I had to manually insert it again, because after the column is configured as a pointer, it does not accept me pasting the data again. I don't know if I'm doing something stupid.

Again, thank you very much for your help. I thought your suggestion was brilliant.

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Gustavo Teodoro avatar image Gustavo Teodoro Amanda Prado commented ·

1) Use a circular process flow. You create itens and wait a time (delay). Then, the itens will be created again. You can set diferent time for each SKU type using Time By case function.

2) Since you are creating objects using processflow, don't use the source 3D creation, because you have already created in the process flow. Use a queue instead of a Source.


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Amanda Prado avatar image Amanda Prado Gustavo Teodoro commented ·
Thank you very much, Gustavo !
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