
Ghizka avatar image
Ghizka asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Picking Schedule with Specific Quantity

Hi, I would like to ask how to set up an operator to pick a certain quantity of items on multiple rack, and I would like the picking to be scheduled daily. for example, I have 8 rack and 1 operator. The operator will pick items once every 1 hour, each rack has a different amount to pick. I have tried with the model that has been asked before by others in this forum, but I have not fully understood the model given.

Can anyone help me with this model? thank you.

FlexSim 24.2.2
order pickingscheduling
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·
Could you post the model you've been looking at or a link to the post you are referring to? It would also help if you could provide some details what parts of the model you don't understand.
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Ghizka avatar image Ghizka Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Hi felix, thank you for your reply, I apologize if the previous question was unclear enough. I want the operator move the item from pallet to queue 1, operator will use pallet item to pick box item from multiple storage in one time. from storage AA, AD, and BA will pick 2 items in each storage, from storage AB pick 3 items, and from storage AC, BB, BC will pick 1 item in each storage. and I want the operator to do that 1 time per hour (where the operator's working hours are from 8 AM - 12 PM , 12 PM - 1PM is lunch time, and continued at 1PM-5PM.

Pick from Multiple Queue.fsm

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

For any task sequence that is more complex than moving items from A to B, I would always recommend to use ProcessFlow.

A DateTime Source allows you to easily control how often and at what time the picking is executed. In the attached model I use labels whose name is identical to those of the storage to denote how many items to pick from each. The storages itself are part of a group to have an easy way of generating an array label that contains reference to each storage.

The Process Flow then iterates through the storages, loading the defined number of items at each one.


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