
LaurenK avatar image
LaurenK asked LaurenK commented

How to implement Time Tables

Hi Team,

Looking for a bit of help creating a time table to implement 2 breaks and 1 lunch. I created the tables, and added the dispatchers instead of individual operators (operators are tied to parameters). But I receive an error that notes the event time is in the past and I'm not sure how to correct this error. I also don't see the breaks added to how the operator spends their time on the dashboard graph I have (Op Time Spent).

Thank you,


CB Model 7.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.1
time tablesbreaks
cb-model-7.fsm (260.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered LaurenK commented

I don't get any errors when running the model. Not sure where those came from.

By default the down times in the time tables set the operators to the "Scheduled Down" state. In the default state table this state is "Excluded", meaning it does not appear in utilization charts. You can either change that setting or choose a different state for the down times.

If the down times apply to the same set of objects then there is also not reason to put them into separate time tables.


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Paula LG avatar image Paula LG commented ·

The "event time in the past" errors are only noticeable if you already have the system console open. I run the model and I'm definitely getting them too.

Eventhough I've been able to identify the cause (the A* Navigator, specifically the collision avoidance option), I don't know how to solve the issue. I also suspect it's affecting model repeatability, because it never happens at the same run time.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Paula LG commented ·

Thanks for the heads up. The model not being repeatable is actually caused by loading items from a conveyor without updating their location. The operators will travel to the last known location which depends on when the tote was last rendered and could be as far back as the start of the conveyor (where the location should be updated as part of the entry event).

After adding a code snippet to update the tote location when it is stopped, the model became repeatable and the error also didn't appear anymore. It also seems to be connected to using a finite acceleration/deceleration. Setting those to 0 also prevented the errors.


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Paula LG avatar image Paula LG Felix Möhlmann commented ·
Thank you, Felix! I'll try what you suggested on a model where I'm currently having a similar issue.
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