
Tushar H avatar image
Tushar H asked Jeanette F commented

Combiner not combining only one Type of boxes

Hello All,

In this model there are different types of items and as per items it will combing in combiner

for example, for type1 8items are arrival but pack Qty for type1 is 6items then remaining 2 will combine in next pallet and move to next pallet.

But here for next pallet its combining other type of items also. but I want to do is combiner only pack same type of items

Combiner issue.fsm

Thank you in advance

FlexSim 24.1.0
combiner-issue.fsm (31.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Tushar H commented

This would mean that a batch needs to be complete before it can be released to the combiner as not to clog up the process with a partial batch.

So apart from placing the items on the pallet the combiner doesn't actually do anything useful. I'd strongly suggest to just use Process Flow for the batching in this case.


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