
Tookta avatar image
Tookta asked Tookta commented

Global Table and Routing

modelTT0.zipHow to Set Up a Global Table for Routing Material Handling in a Factory

Dear all,

I am a complete beginner and currently trying to create a simulation model to visualize the material handling process in a para rubber plywood factory.

For example:

  • There are 5 trucks for material handling.
  • The operation runs in 3 shifts.
  • Each day, the operation starts at a parking point, where drivers wait to receive transportation orders.
  • Once they receive the order, they transport goods to various warehouses according to the schedule.
  • After completing all deliveries for the day, they return to the parking point and repeat the process the next day.

Example Route:

  • Parking Point (0): The truck starts at WH1, then moves to WH3, and continues according to the daily schedule.
  • Material Flow Routing:
    • Item Type 1: 0 → 2 → 4 → 5 → 0

Could anyone guide me on how to set up the Global table and configure the routing for material flow?

Thank you all for your advice. I am new to this and struggling to understand how to input the routing table for transportation.

FlexSim 22.0.16
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

There are many possible ways in which something like this can be implemented in FlexSim. In the attached example the numbers in the "Tasks" table map to the objects in the "Queues" group (1 is the first object in the group, 2 the second, ...).

In a Process Flow a token is created for each row, sending a transporter to each location in the row until it arrays back at Queue1.


An extra column could be used to denote the day and shift, so each token could be delayed until the respective tasks from the row should start.

modeltt0-1.fsm (111.0 KiB)
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Tookta avatar image
Tookta answered Tookta commented

Thank you for your advice! It has been very helpful. I have adjusted my model to better fit my work by adding: 21.03.68 (2).fsm

  1. A Pickup quantity table (file name: Ex. Pickup for 10 days) into the Global Table.
  2. A Process Flow by adding the Pickup process and implementing the Pickup process for all 13 warehouses.

What I would like to ask you further:

  1. In my model, suppose 5 boxes are picked up, but only 1 box is dispatched. Based on the actual data, all picked-up boxes should be dispatched according to the quantity in each cycle, as shown in the image I added.screenshot-20.png

  2. In the previous round, I added the Route, but how can I specify that the Truck follows the assigned Route? (EX. Routing for 10 days.xlsx). This file defines the Route, while the Pickup file (Ex. Pickup for 10 days.xlsx)specifies the quantity and the truck used on that route.

    • For example, Item Type 1 uses Truck 1, which moves from the Parking Area to different points according to the steps in the file. The Pickup quantity is defined in the Pickup file.
  3. I have assigned forklifts to all warehouses except the Parking Area, but the forklifts only pick up items from the Queue and do not place them in Floor Storage as expected. Additionally, the operation does not yet match the Pickup quantity table (Ex. Pickup for 10 days).

    • The forklifts are divided into two roles:
      • Two forklifts move items from the Queue to Floor Storage.
      • Two forklifts handle the Newly Created Objects, loading and unloading items from the trucks.

        Thank you all for your advice. I am new to this and struggling to understand how to input the routing table for transportation.

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I think I need some clarifications. Let's take the first "Step" from both. Leaving the truck assignment aside for now, this would mean the truck is supposed to load 16 Type1 items at location 3, correct? Would it also load other types while it is there? If so, what determines which location it moves to next? And would there be a maximum quantity the truck can carry?


The items are not moved to the floor storage because they are too big for the slots. Increase the slot size (and height of the floor storage object) or decrease the item size or uncheck the "Must Have Space" option in the Slot Assignment Strategy.

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Tookta avatar image Tookta Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Yes, you are right. The truck must carry 16 items of type 1 at position 3, and so on until the steps are complete. The items will be picked up and sent to the next step as well. The items moved are the same type of items. The truck can carry up to 16 items.

If you would kindly give me a sample model of how this can be done. Thank you very much. 21.03.68 (2).fsm

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