Background: New conveyors with one input and multiple outputs (as you can see in the picture). At the beggining (on the right) you have decision point which is connected with 20 different decision points (in 'output' conveyors)
What I need is sending items quite randomly, but 'not too much' so they will not stop the system. I am looking for something like round robin, but with each round it would change the order of 'outputs'. For example let say that we have 5 outputs:
1st round - sending item to port 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2nd round - sending item to port 2, 3, 5, 1, 4 3rd round - sending item to port 5, 3, 1, 2, 4
Ports can be chosen randomly, as long as I will not have situation when I am waiting at one port very long for item, while it has sent 5 items in a row to a different one.
I've tried some statistical distributions (e.g. normal, uniform, multiple bernoulli) and none of them has worked. Also, in decision points there is no option 'Round Robin' in Send Item in trigers.
Thanks in advance for your help