
Axel Kohonen avatar image
Axel Kohonen asked Matthew Gillespie edited

How do I set the photo eye type in code?


I have a photo eye that I put on a conveyor using code (just create the photo eye into the conveyor to create the link automatically) and I would want the photo to be a certain pre-defined type that I have created earlier. How can I set the type in code? Should I first create a basic photo eye with createinstance and then set the type or can I create a copy of the instance in the conveyor system?

Thank you!

Kind regards,


FlexSim 16.0.1
conveyorcodephoto eyeautobuildcreateinstance
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Ben Wilson commented

Photo Eyes (and all conveyor objects) have a type variable that points at their type object. This can either be a global type stored on the Conveyor System object or a custom type stored in the objects variables.

To set the type just point the type variable at the desired type:

  1. treenode photoEye = node("PE1", model());
  2. treenode typeVar = getvarnode(photoEye, "type");
  3. treenode desiredType = node("ConveyorSystem>variables/photoEyeTypes/PEType1", model());
  5. nodepoint(typeVar, desiredType);

You can sample the types in the toolbox from the sampler in the script console to get the paths to each type.

To set the type to custom point the "type" variable at the object's "localType" variable.

typesampler.png (15.9 KiB)
· 4
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