I am trying to dispatch task executors in groups. I need to have them dispatched 12 at a time (in 3 different lines, with 4 per line), wait on materials to be unloaded, and brought back to the start to wait behind more task executors. Simultaneously as they are done being unloaded, I need the next set of task executors to replace whichever line of task executors finishes unloading. I have successfully made them wait until unloading was done, but am having trouble dispatching the next task executors and recycling task executors back to the dispatcher. What is the best approach to this? -- Should the task executors be put in groups, should there be an availability switch for the task executors waiting at dispatcher (and how to do this if topic is applicable), etc?
I am using Flexsim 7.5.4, so I do not believe I have access to process flow.