
Katherine Lourie avatar image
Katherine Lourie asked Adrian Haws commented

Keep a staff member occupied after patient exits model

I am trying to show that a transporter would need to escort a patient in a bed out of the clinic but then would be occupied and unable to transport the next patient for another 15 minutes after that original patient leaves through the exit. I need the patient to go through the exit to show that they are "done" with their time in the clinic, but in reality the transporters would be busy for 15 minutes after their patient exits taking the patient to another floor.

FlexSim 16.1.0
FlexSim HC 5.0.12
flexsim hc 5.0transporterstatestaff memberpatient exit
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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered Adrian Haws commented

Hi Katherine,

As explained in this previous question, there is an option in the processing area to require a maintenance time for staff members after a patient leaves a location.

If you want the staff member to be occupied after a patient leaves the model, choose "Escort Patient > Process" as the last activity. You can specify the Patient Destination, the Processing Time, and the Staff Requirements. The staff member will then wait for the required amount of time that you define in the Processing Time before being utilized by another patient.

· 10
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Katherine Lourie avatar image Katherine Lourie commented ·

Thanks, Adrian. The patient isn't actually going to "leave" a location where the transporters would be like in a lab setting. I could put a computer desk by the transporters, but I'm not sure how to get the maintenance to be done after the patient exits the model.

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Adrian Haws avatar image Adrian Haws Katherine Lourie commented ·

@Katherine Lourie

I'm not sure I understand how you want your model to function. The "Maintenance" function works after a patient leaves a specific location. If you want it to be activity-based you can use an "Activity Started Trigger" or an "Activity Finished Trigger" to send a message to the staff resource.

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Katherine Lourie avatar image Katherine Lourie Adrian Haws commented ·

So I want the staff who transports the patient out and through the clinic to be occupied for another 15 minutes after that patient has physically left the model through the exit. I'm trying to show that the transporter would be unable to transport another patient for 15 minutes because techinally he/she would be taking that first patient to another floor.

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Katherine Lourie avatar image Katherine Lourie commented ·

@Adrian Haws Sorry for the delayed response to your last comment, but I still don't really understand. Would you be using the Escort Patient > Process Option and have the destination be patient exit with a processing time of 15 minutes? That won't add those 15 minutes of processing time to the total length of stay?

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Adrian Haws avatar image Adrian Haws Katherine Lourie commented ·

@Katherine Lourie Yes, that's correct. As is shown in the image above, the patient is "in" the exit area for the remainder of the time the staff resource is "processing," but is no longer included in the model census.

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Katherine Lourie avatar image Katherine Lourie Adrian Haws commented ·
@Adrian Haws

Thanks for your help!

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