
Lydia Freitas avatar image
Lydia Freitas asked Matt Long edited

I would like to link my dashboard button with the "perform batching" of a queue. There is some code for it?

I tried this code, but it did not work: setchecked(getvarnode(node("Estoque Inicial 1", model()), "usebatching"),0);

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queueflexscriptcode editordashboard bottonperform batching
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Brandon Peterson avatar image
Brandon Peterson answered


Here is a sample model that should do what you are attempting. I created a model with a single queue and then made a checkbox in the dashboard that toggles the batching process in the queue. To make the checkbox functional you need to untoggle the "edit mode" on the dashboard. In "edit mode" clicking on the check box will attempt to edit it instead of toggle it. I pointed the link for the check box to the "usebatching" variable of the queue.

I hope this helps,


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Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Matt Long edited

Brandon's answer is the best as it uses a Dashboard Widget to modify the batching. However, if you did need to set the batching using code rather than the Dashboard the code would be:

setvarnum(node("Estoque Inicial 1", model()), "usebatching", 0)

The setchecked() command is specifically used for checking a GUI check box.

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