
Craig DIckson avatar image
Craig DIckson asked Matt Long commented

Delay in Process Flow custom logic?

Is there a way to delay a token in a process flow custom logic activity? This would greatly simplify my model.

I tried to delay by calling executesubflow(); and having a Delay Activity in the subflow, but it doesn't seem to hold the token at that line in the custom logic as I had hoped.



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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
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Matt Long answered Matt Long commented

No, you can't delay a token in a Custom Code activity. This activity calls a flexscript node and then immediately moves on. There isn't anyway to stop the token from moving to the next activity.

Execute subflow is just like calling a user command. Any delays or events created in the sub flow won't be executed until after the token has left the Custom Code.

I don't know what your model looks like, but you could use a Run Sub Flow activity who's sub flow has a Custom Code and a Delay activity in it. This would effectively turn your two activities into one, but this is only useful if you're calling the same Custom Code and Delay multiple times from multiple locations.

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