
Li yongchao avatar image
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Li yongchao asked Brandon Peterson commented

How to separate the item into two pieces when item walking onto the decision point as pic below showing?


How to separate the item into two pieces when item walking onto the decision point as pic below showing?

in my model there is always space between the two parts after slicing

When I adjust the decision point again,the item in the queue will not enter conveyor.pls help me to check the reason


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conveyorflowitemdecision pointtrigger
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered

I think I was able to achieve what you were trying to do. I removed the queue on the side but kept the entry transfer point. (To get the transfer point to remain when deleting the connected object, simply right-click on the transfer point and select remove connections. Then I created the copied item directly into the transfer point.) The cleaned up code for your on arrival trigger looks like this:

  1. if(!objectexists(label(item,1)))
  2. {
  3. setsize(item,xsize(item)/2,ysize(item),zsize(item));
  4. treenode copy = insertcopy(item,centerobject(current,1));
  5. setlabel(copy,"copy",1);
  6. }

And finally to remove the gap in the cut item, I simply changed the conveyor type properties to go by "0.5" units of length measurement rather than the default "1" to match the half length of your cut items.

I've reattached the model below:


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