
Harrison Hart avatar image
Harrison Hart asked gilbert jerald answered

How to make operator leave task at the end of the day and start again the next morning.

I am trying to simulate a normal working day in my simulation with hours worked between 8am and 4pm. When 4pm comes around an operator is in the middle of completing its task sequence. I want the operator to stop working the moment the clock passes 4pm and restart on the task the next morning at 8am. How can I achieve this?

I have attached my current model to this question for you to take a look at.

Important to note that the task sequence the operator is undertaking is a co-ordinated task sequence generated at the queue 1.


Thanks for taking the time to take a look at my question,

Harry Hart

FlexSim 16.2.0
operatorstime tableoperator assignmentbreak timeknock off
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1 Answer

gilbert jerald avatar image
gilbert jerald answered

@harrison hart

i have attached your model by doing some modification as per your idea have a look on it

T2622-baseline-rev-7-simplified.fsmhank you

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