
sachin tandulkar avatar image
sachin tandulkar asked sachin tandulkar commented

Global Changes/modification: Adding, deletign or changing operator level, programs & labels in objects

I am working on a project where i need to turn on and off the operator and also share the operators. I also feel the need to add and delete few labels or common programs(code) in some machines of same type.I tried the option called "Edit selected objects", its little inefficient. It helps me to copy the variables of the object from one to other, but if i want to delete a specific variable from all the machines I have to do one at a time. Also Edit selected object doesn't copy the Labels it only copies the variables of the objects like triggers and other. Its also doesn't copy the code for cycletime and setuptime. So usually in other tools there is a class object and if I make the change in the class object the change is reflected in all the child objects. Let me know if I haven't tried anything or i am missing something.  

I request you to help me figure out this thing

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered sachin tandulkar commented

Copying variables will work with the Copy from Selected, but you are right that this will not copy Labels from one to another. If you need to control labels on a large group of objects, I would add those objects to a group, and use either a "for loop" or a Process Flow to assign or remove labels to each member of the group.

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sachin tandulkar avatar image sachin tandulkar commented ·

Thanks Sam.

That's disappointing to know. I was hoping there will be some automatic feature which I didn't know.
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