
Trevor Manzanares avatar image
Trevor Manzanares asked Jeff Nordgren edited

How to assign operators in round robin fashion based on processors instead of operators

Instead of the default round robin option in the "pass to" field of a dispatcher, I'd like an operator to complete all processes associated with that dispatcher before assigning the next operator to those same processes. Currently, the first operator is dispatched to the first process, the second operator is dispatched to the second process, and so on.

FlexSim 16.1.2
operator assignment
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

@Trevor Manzanares


Do you have a sample model or sample of what you are trying to accomplish? That would be helpful in knowing how to answer your question better.

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Trevor Manzanares avatar image Trevor Manzanares Jeff Nordgren commented ·

Hi Jeff, I'd like Operator8 to first process an item on Processor3 and then move with that item to continue processing it on Processor4. As soon as Operator 8 moves off Processor3, Operator9 would take his place and continue processing. Basically, I'd like operators to follow work down the line.

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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
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Adrian Haws answered Jeff Nordgren edited


This is easily accomplished in the processor's logic itself. In each processor you just need to select "Tagged Resource" as the operator, as shown below:

Then in the second processor you'll release the operator by changing the value in "Hold" to 0.

tagged-resource.png (11.9 KiB)
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Trevor Manzanares avatar image Trevor Manzanares commented ·

Hi @Adrian Haws,

This works beautifully. Is there a way to have the second operator hold for a certain amount of time before being called to start processing?



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