In the list-backorder-order.fsm model I have a Source and 3 Processors that push the item to send to the "ItemsToMove" list.
In this list I have a field that calculates the distance between the place where to pick the item (up(value)) and the agv (the puller).
The Process Flow pulls from the list if itemtype = 1 and ordering items basing on distance.
I want to send the item with the nearest agv. So I set on the list the Back Order Queue Strategy to "ORDER BY distance ASC".
Flagging the "Allow Multiple Pushes Before Back Order Fulfillment" and going step by step I can stop the simulation in the exact moment the Processor2 puts the item on the list (591.13).
Now I have these distances:
AGV1: 20.37
AGV2: 0
AGV3: 111.66
AGV4: 38.19
And this works: the AGV 2 was chosen.
But if I activate "Use transport" on the Source2 and I repeat the simulation stopping again at 591.13 the only difference is that now I have 2 entries on the list.
Now it is not chosen the AGV 2 but the AGV 3: the back order queue strategy doesn't work anymore.
I don't understand why this happens.
What can I do? Thank you.