
Chao Gao avatar image
Chao Gao asked Phil BoBo edited

Is there a way to zoom in or out a certain area by percentage

Autocad allows you to zoom in/out an area by %, in flexsim, the mouse wheel are too sensitivity, when I am trying to zoom in to a really detail view, I couldn't catch that,, is there any solve?



FlexSim 16.2.2
flexsim view
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

You can hold the left and right mouse buttons at the same time to zoom in with finer control.

You can also hold the Alt key to ignore objects while you zoom, pan, or rotate using the mouse.

FlexSim also works with 3Dconnexion mice, which gives you even more control.

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