bryansuharik1.fsmHello, i'm trying to figure out how to assign a double partition. Attached is my model. This model is dynamic in the sense that the user uses the GUI (GUI1) to define the amount of wellsites (queues) in the process. Right now i have all flowitems initially enter the wellsite queues and are pushed to a list with a partition by item type(there are 5 item types per queue).
Each item type as different release rate from the queue it resides in defined by global table (arrivals). Currently, all of the flow items for all the queues are loaded into the item list, however, i need an additional partition that isolates the grouped itemtypes by wellsite. I don't think its possible to build multiple process flows with multiple lists separately since the user defines how many wellsites there will be. I'm thinking a method would be to partition by wellsite and then query the itemtype, but not sure how to set that up.
Any help would be most appreciated. May help to run the model briefly to see how it is releasing the flowitems. For example, i need itemtype 1 to release from each wellsite every X amount of hours. Currently, itemtype 1 releases every X amount of hours, but not from every wellsite individually.