
Kim Jh avatar image
Kim Jh asked gilbert jerald commented

How to take(load) the 3 operator on the elevator? from first to second floor

FlexSim 16.1.0
processflowoperatortask sequenceelevator
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Adrian Haws edited

This can be done more easily using Process Flow. Essentially you will set up your process flow to execute a series of tasks utilizing the operator(s) and elevator, having the operator load an item, then have the elevator load the operator. Then you need to use Travel to Loc and Move Object, and Set Loc activities to manage the visuals.

I've included an example model, and you can get an idea of the task sequences in the image below.

The other alternative is to code a Coordinated Task Sequence, you can find an example in the dropdown menu next to where you select "Use Transport" This will require a bit of coding on your part to get the operator and elevator to work in junction at all the right parts.


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