
Michal Klodawski avatar image
Michal Klodawski asked Michal Klodawski commented

push pull from lists


It is probably very easy but I am a new FlexSim user . I have problem with push and pull values from lists in processflow. I would like to generate Orders with subsequent numbers. Every order is one token. Every token is going to push this order number to 3 independent lists. It is keeping an eye on each list and if something is pushed in it then other token (from wait for event activity) will do something, e.g. that will check the SKU number for this order are ready in order picking area. How can I do that? In attachment I've put only an example part of bigger model.


FlexSim 16.2.2
push to list pull from list
pushpull.fsm (19.6 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
1 Like"
Sam Stubbs answered Michal Klodawski commented

I think I see what you were trying to do, and I think you had it set up basically right, you just had a few small things to fix. 1) I assume that you wanted your Push to List to move on to the next push without waiting to be pulled. So I just clicked the "Use Max Wait Timer" and the "Keep on List on Early Release" boxes checked. 2) You accidentally used Wait For Event activities instead of Event Triggered Sources. 3) I just put a 0 time delay between your Event Triggered Sources and the Pull from List (this is called a Breathe) this just lets the logic of your Push to list get all caught up before the Pull from list happens.

I've reattached your model below:


5060-pushpull.fsm (20.4 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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