
Gabriel illescas Cavazos avatar image
Gabriel illescas Cavazos asked Sam Stubbs commented

How can I Load Activities in multiprocessor? I want to avoid load one by one

FlexSim 16.2.1
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Sam Stubbs avatar image Sam Stubbs ♦ commented ·

I'm not sure I understand your question, can you clarify a little more?

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Sam Stubbs ♦ commented ·

You can add the amount of processes you need one by on through pressing the plus button. The question might be, how to accomplish to add 4 processes instantly by code or ProcessFlow.

Each single process consists of a subtree with several subnodes. They are responsible to call operators and setting the process time. What options are there?

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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered Sam Stubbs commented

It sounds like you want to add multiple processes to a Multiprocessor at the same time, is that correct? If not, let us know some details on what you want to do and we can go from there.

If that is the case, how do you want to set up each process? It's possible to add multiple processes to a Multiprocessor at once using code, but you would still need to go through each process individually to set up the Process Time, Number of Operators, etc. Would each process use the same data (all of them have the same Process time for instance, or none of them are using Operators)? Do you have the data for each process in a different format like a table or something that could be referenced through code when setting up each process?

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Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.

Gabriel illescas Cavazos avatar image Gabriel illescas Cavazos commented ·

yo are right Logan Gold, can you share me an example?

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Gabriel illescas Cavazos commented ·

In such complicated structure I would switch back to the so called black box. It is a sub model inside of a container that does the work you have in mind with several objects. The container gets the look of the machine you like and the statistic is collected in a basic fixed resource object inside of the container.

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