
yesid anacona avatar image
yesid anacona asked yesid anacona edited

Why does copying and pasting data from Excel to ExpertFit run the decimal point?

Try to pass the data to ExpertFit in all possible ways but always change me (I do not recognize the comma or the decimal point, or I run the decimal point) Why this situation? Should the data have any specific characteristics before being passed to ExpertFit? I appreciate your help, because I need to know to which probability distribution the data are adjusted.


figura-1.png (112.6 KiB)
figuraa-2.png (106.0 KiB)
datos-excel.rar (6.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Rodrigo Lamas avatar image
Rodrigo Lamas answered yesid anacona edited

@yesid anacona

This error occured due to expertfit lost the windows "," an "." reference. To solve this problem you need go to Control Panel / Time Language and Region / Language and Region / and then click at Aditional Settings.

Resultado de imagem para region and language

Then you´ll need to customize the format, change the "." for "," and the ","for "." and then put "0" for the number of digits after decimal. Then run the Expertfit and try copy data again.

Resultado de imagem para additional settings region and language

I hope that this information can be helfull for your model. Regards!

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yesid anacona avatar image yesid anacona commented ·

Gracias amigo ya me funciono

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