
Michal Klodawski avatar image
Michal Klodawski asked Sam Stubbs answered

Lists Comparison in ProcesFlow


I dont know how to solve the following problem: I have a model where rack must be emptied from time to time. I have two lists that are dynamically changed. In the first one (ListA) are items currently located in the rack. In second (ListB) are item IDs that are temporarily reserved (but this may change over time). I would like to do in ProcessFlow an operation after which I will have a list of items needed to be retrieved from the rack (those that are on ListA and are not on ListB). Or loops, then it will in turn compare the positions in the listA and the list B. (values from both lists can not be pulled - they must remain there) Is it possible to quickly compare both lists and generate list of needed items?

FlexSim 16.2.2
list comparison
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Michal Klodawski avatar image Michal Klodawski commented ·

Mayby use Array Contains Value option...? but i dont know how to sequentially pull values from list with leaving entries on the list....

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered

I'm not sure I completely understand the issue. But would this work for your situation: First just have the logic pull something off of the list, THEN you'd have some sort of check or decision point to decide if the item should go back onto the list or if the item should be moved. If it's not something you wish to remove from the list then you push it back onto the list, if it IS supposed to be removed, then you go ahead with removing the item or whatever.

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Michal Klodawski avatar image Michal Klodawski commented ·

Thank you, :)

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