
Thomas F avatar image
Thomas F asked David Seo answered

Load and unload time for a batch

czwischendatenflexsimbeispieleloadunloadtime.fsmWe have 400parts in an outside stock. This parts are delivered in a size of 200 to the Queue1. From Queue1 the 200parts are transported by a fork lift at once ( max capacity of fork lift is 200).

The load and unload time for the forklift is 10seconds. In my small example the forklift stops for10sec for every of the 200 items. But this is not correct for that situation. Because all 200 pieces are in one

Box there is only ONE load and unload time of 10seconds for the complete batch of 200pieces. How can I realize this?

FlexSim 17.0.4
load and unload time
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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
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David Seo answered

You can use a combiner object to batch the items.

The combiner need a pallette or tote and items to be put on.

You can use combiner instead of the queue.

You can find the combiner example in this site.

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