
Martin Haas avatar image
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Martin Haas asked Martin Haas commented

Accessing Global Tables from C++


How do I access Global Table cell data from C++? I am trying to use the following code:

//treenode tr = model()->find("Tools/GlobalTables/ExcelData");
treenode tr = node("MODEL:/Tools/GlobalTables/globalTable");
string nodeName = tr->__getName();
Table myTable = Table(tr);
string tableName = myTable.__name();
int tt = myTable.cell(1 ,1)->value;
//int tt = Table(tr).cell(1 ,1)->value;

It compiles fine, but throws errors when attempting to assign the value to tt.


Martin Haas

FlexSim 17.1.2
global table c++
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered Martin Haas commented

I think the problem is you are referencing the Object directly instead of its table data. If you reference a Global Table using the Table() constructor and return it, you get a path to the table's data node that is a subnode of the variables node (Tools/GlobalTables/globalTable>variables/data).

So when you create the tr variable using the node() command, if you use this line instead it should work:

treenode tr = node("MODEL:/Tools/GlobalTables/globalTable>variables/data");
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Martin Haas avatar image Martin Haas commented ·

That did the trick. Thank you.

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