
Ajay B2 avatar image
Ajay B2 asked Ajay B2 commented

three operators to pick items from one source to three different processors

Hi, I am a newbie to flexsim and still trying to figure out a lot of things.

I have three processors and three operators; one on each processor. I want to make every operator go to the common source and pick item and bring it back to their respective processor.

Thanks in advance

FlexSim 17.1.2
multiple operators
5 |100000

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1 Answer

gilbert jerald avatar image
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gilbert jerald answered Ajay B2 commented

@Ajay B2


To assign the job to individual operator this command can be used centerobject(destination, 1) .

I have attached a sample model for your reference how this Command has been used to assign the job to an individual operator who is connected to the individual machine.

I have used this command in the queue.

Thank you


· 1
5 |100000

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Ajay B2 avatar image Ajay B2 commented ·

Thank you so much, works perfectly now. thanks

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