
Paúl Alejandro R avatar image
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Paúl Alejandro R asked Paúl Alejandro R action

Can Flexsim connect to an ERP?

Hi! I have a new question about the connectivity of flexsim 17.1.2.

Can this software connect to an ERP?, specifically this named "Infor LN"-ERP in order to get the data to feed the model.

Thak you very much!

FlexSim 17.1.2
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Paúl Alejandro R commented

@Paúl Alejandro R Because you can create your own DLL's Flexsim can actually connect with anything. In case you want to connect with a database using ODBC is fine but you can also incorporate the drivers directly in a DLL which makes usually a faster connection

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David Seo avatar image
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David Seo answered
@Paúl Alejandro R

Hi. You can make flexsim connect with ERP, MES, HMI, PLC and OPC server stc.

Connecting flexsim with Database like Oracle or MS SQL or MySql need ODBC connection.

Connecting with PLC and OPC server need Emulator module of beta testing now of flexsim.

You can download the Emulator module beta version in this Q&A.

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