
Ale avatar image
Ale asked Jeff Nordgren commented

Console Message

What does the attached console message picture1.jpg mean?


Other (please specify)
message error
1.jpg (57.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Jeff Nordgren commented

It's likely that your random distribution that creates items, or sets a time, or sets a speed of a conveyor or something along those lines is setting a negative number. Having a negative value in a time setting is the most likely cause of this error. (Check, for example, if you are using a "normal" distribution for creating items, or setting the speed of an object or some other time related variable, then you'll want to put your distribution in a "maxof" command. ie maxof(normal(etc etc), 0) that would force it to return 0 if it ever goes into the negative.)

If this is not the case, then we'll need to see your most recent model to determine more specifically the cause. (You can post a "private" question if your model is confidential, then only FlexSim personnel can see it.)

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·
@Alejandra Norell

And I would add that it doesn't have to necessarily have to be a negative number that was returned but could also be a number that is prior to the current model run time value.

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