
Ryan S2 avatar image
Ryan S2 asked Matthew Gillespie answered

How can I change nurse activity in tutorial?

In the tutorial in the user manual, the nurse escorts the patient to the vitals station. After the vital station process, the nurse escorts the patient back to the waiting room, and then walks back to the exam room if there is one open. I am wondering how I can make the nurse decide to take the patient to an open exam room from the triage room, instead of walking all the way back to the waiting room. I still want them to escort the patient to the waiting room if all exam rooms are full, but not if there are open ones that can be filled.

FlexSim HC 5.1.0
tutorial changes
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

You need to add a Decision Point activity where you check if there is an available bed. If there is you start the activity that takes the patient to a bed. If not, you start the activity that takes the patient back to the waiting room and then start the activity that takes the patient to a bed.

I've attached a sample model that shows one way you could do this.

ifavailable.fsm (81.8 KiB)
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