
Daniele C avatar image
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Daniele C asked Daniele C commented

Manual Activation

Please, Can you generate Input file?

Best Regards

Daniele Cadeddu

FlexSim 17.2.1
manual activation response file require
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

I have deleted the xml file, because never share license informations publicly. Ask a private question. You find a line, when you ask a Question with an option field at the end of "Make this question private". Then only the flexsim employees see your question.

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Daniele C avatar image Daniele C commented ·

<Sensitive information deleted>

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Mischa Spelt avatar image Mischa Spelt Daniele C commented ·

Hi Daniele. I removed the sensitive information from your post. Please see @Jörg Vogel's comment above and @Ben Wilson's answer.

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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Daniele C commented

Hi @Daniele C,

I have received and processed your XML activation request. However, the system gives me an error regarding malformed XML.

Please generate a new activation request, and post it to a private question, as suggested by @Jörg Vogel.


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5 |100000

Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.

Daniele C avatar image Daniele C commented ·

Can you send me new version 64 bit of ServerActUtil tool?

I think that problem is my tool... because is 2 time that I try to generate output file....


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Alessio Merlo avatar image Alessio Merlo Daniele C commented ·

Hi @Daniele C,

I remove the .xml file as @Jörg Vogel suggested. You don't share license informations publicly.

To solve the problem with licence, you can share the license in a new post marked like "private question". Otherwise you can contact directly me or my collegue (we are italian distributor) and we will try together to solve the issue.

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Daniele C commented ·

@Daniele C,

The latest files for installing/configuring/licensing a license server can be found here:

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