
ArunKumar S avatar image
ArunKumar S asked ArunKumar S commented

Flexsim model size error

Hi. I am ongoing engineering graduation and part of our curriculum flexsim has been included in our lab.

We have registered with educational licence and been practicing some tutorials.

It happens most times an error when trying to import operators/processors/dashboard features etc..

Model size limit was reached

There currently exists a model limit

Modelike size must stay within this limit.

Enclosed the model where I need to assign operators for each processor.

Can you suggest what is the limit and how to find it.

Thanks in advance.


FlexSim 7.5.4
model size limit error
lab2-batch.fsm (46.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr answered ArunKumar S commented

Hi ArunKumar S,

It means you are working on a demo version of FlexSim. Somehow , your computer is not fetching the license from the server computer. For a demo version you have a limit of around 30 objects and you will not be able to access advanced features of FlexSim.

Reasons can be:

1. You are disconnected from the server LAN network.

2. Server may be off or not working or crashed

3. You may not be using correct server ip address to access the license

Contact your lab administrator to ensure the server functionality.

Can you identify your college/university ?


Arun KR

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ArunKumar S avatar image ArunKumar S commented ·

Thanks Arun. I study in BITS

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