
Omar Aguilera Rico avatar image
Omar Aguilera Rico asked Arun Kr answered

List of activities performed by the resource.


How can I make the loading and unloading activities of the operator fence them by writing in a Global Table according to the activity that is doing. For example, if the activity of Operator1 is to load the unit of Queue1 and download it in Queue2. In the Global Table in the form of a bill list, writing the activities that the Operator1. According to the case, Load Queue1, Download Queue2, Load Queue1 and so on. This is a small example that annex.

If they have some ideas they are welcome.

FlexSim 17.2.3
global table
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1 Answer

Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr answered

Hi Omar Aguilera Rico,

Here's a simple example made using process flow. omar-support.fsm

In this model, process flow activities listens to the "OnLoad " and "On UnLoad" triggers of the operator to enter the information into the global table. For entering data into global table, write to global table and labels are used.

You can also use the normal "On Load" - "On Unload triggers to write data into the global table using the trigger pick list options.


Arun KR

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omar-support.fsm (24.2 KiB)
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