
Anggoro P avatar image
Anggoro P asked Regan Blackett answered

Two possible pull queries


I have two possible logic to pull product from a list:

1. If an item with required age available, then pull 1 item form the list, if not sufficient, go to rule 2

2. check if two items with (required age + 5) are available, if yes, then pull those 2 items, if not, then release token as failed

Any idea whether flexsim could cover this problem?

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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered

You vould accomplish this with two back to back Pull from List Activities. Set up your first pull from list with your first query, and activate the max wait timer with a wait time of zero. If the pull is successful, let the token go through an appropriate activity on connector one.

If it doesn't pull anything, let the token go to the a subsequent Pull from Llist activity on connector 2 with your second query, and also activate the max wait timer with a time of zero. The basic activity structure would look like this:

pulls.png (115.2 KiB)
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