
Cindy Azuero avatar image
Cindy Azuero asked Cindy Azuero commented

Task executer dissapearing

Hi, I am configuring the use of this cart "carrito" similar to the operator + pallet jack example, but even if I use the code:

Object current = ownerobject(c);

if (objectexists(first(current)))
	moveobject(first(current), model());

when I reset the model and the task executer is inside the operator, the task executer is eliminated. Can you help me with this?



FlexSim 17.2.3
task executer
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Cindy Azuero commented

How did you create the task executer carts? Did you create them as Task Executer flowitems?

The Task Executer class has code in its On Reset that deletes any objects inside it with an itemtype attribute. This code fires before the On Reset trigger. Both of your carts have an itemtype attribute and thus are being deleted before your reset trigger code fires. Either delete the itemtype nodes from your carts or create new ones using a Task Excecuter object from the library and not a flowitem.

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Cindy Azuero avatar image Cindy Azuero commented ·

That is weird, I create them using the Task Executer Object in the library. But what you said works. Thank you

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