
David Seo avatar image
David Seo asked Dj Moens answered

how to do a simulation model for blown or multilayer film process ?

flexsim fluid library or floworks module can be used to make a model for multilayer or blown film for led/lcd TV?

The material visual is not sheet but roll type and the movement is not descrete but continuous.

Flexsim liquid library or floworks module is useful to do it?

Or any project like or experience similiar with it?

If not, any replacing tool?

I want to hear any helpful information about it.

FlexSim 18.0.0
multilayer film process model
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1 Answer

Dj Moens avatar image
Dj Moens answered

Hi @david.seo,

FloWorks could be used to model any continuous process as long as rates (speeds) can change discretely in the model.

Personally I have never modelled blown film, but FlWorks should be able to help you here.

I suggest you try to model some concepts first and come back with specific questions.

Best regrads

Dirk-Jan Moens

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