
LauraV avatar image
LauraV asked David Seo answered

manufacturing model logic issue

I attached a small simple Manufacturing model. In that model I want a situation like” from source 1 one by one main unfinished product is coming to queue 1 and reaching to processor 1. From source 2 batch of 65 is reaching queue 2 and from queue 2 only 13 of those 65 should reach processor 1 to process one main unfinished product from queue1 with this 13 from queue2.” Is there any other way to make work this manufacturing model without use of combiner. Is it possible to make some code with processor 1 and queue2 to meet model condition?manufacturing-simple-model.fsm

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered LauraV commented

You can control the items entering and count them in labels at the processor. If an item has entered the processor, you close the output of the Processor to get in total 14 items into the processor. Therefor the maximum content has to be set to 14 in the properties of the processor.

If one item has got into the processor from its input port 1 you close the output of the Queue1.

If the label for the items entering through port 2 has reached 13 you close the output of the Queue2. If the content of the processor reaches 14 you open the output of the processor. If the content of the processor is 1 in the on Exit event or trigger you open the output of the queues again and reset the labels in the processor.

You can make a processor behave similar to a combiner, but the approach isn't complete, because you have to adjust the statistic or the process times depending on the items entering the processor.

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David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered


Your issue looks like same with the links.

I hope you can find your solution in this question and answer.

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