
asb.p avatar image
asb.p asked Axel Kohonen edited

How to find the exact line number of error?


While running the model due to null pointer references model is trowing exception errors in system console. While throwing errors it is not specifying line number where this error is happening.

Is there any why to find the exact line number where is error is happening?

FlexSim 17.0.11
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1 Answer

Axel Kohonen avatar image
Axel Kohonen answered Axel Kohonen edited

Hi @asb.praneeth

I am not sure if you can get a line number, but as the error comes from UserEvent1 as the error says you should be able to put a break point at the beginning of the user event and then step forward in the code until you get to the line that gives the error.

Hope this helps!

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