
Joe Hugan avatar image
Joe Hugan asked Regan Blackett commented

Accessing Zone Content

What is the syntax to access the content (number of tokens) of a process flow zone? I do not need partitions or subset level detail. Just the number of tokens in the zone to make specific decisions.

FlexSim 18.0.3
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered tannerp commented
@Joe Hugan

I wasn't able to get what @Sam Stubbs suggested to work. Attached is a sample model using a Process Flow variable called "InZone". In the PF, I reference the same variable two different ways in the "Decide" blocks. I'm sure there is a better way, so please make suggestions of maybe how to do this more easily.



pf-variable-jn1.fsm (21.6 KiB)
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Sam Stubbs avatar image
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Sam Stubbs answered Regan Blackett commented

I believe you can use the "getstat" command, followed by the "getactivity" command to get a reference to the Zone inside your process flow. It's a little long but it should be something like this:

getstat(getactivity(processFlow, "Zone"), "Content", STAT_CURRENT, current)

Obviously "Zone" will be whatever the name of your Zone is.

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